
Virginia Marijuana Law

Updated July 29, 2024

*Legal Disclaimer

Current Status: Legalized

In March 2022, Virginia became the 16th state in the United States to legalize recreational marijuana. Under the new law, adults over the age of 21 are allowed to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. Medical marijuana has been legal in Virginia since 2015, but the legalization of recreational use expanded access to cannabis products for those who do not qualify for medical use.

Public Consumption Laws

While marijuana is now legal in Virginia, there are still restrictions on where it can be consumed. It is illegal to consume marijuana in public places, including parks, sidewalks, and streets. Consumption of marijuana is also prohibited on federal land within the state. Violators may face fines or even jail time for public consumption.

Cannabis DUI Laws

Driving under the influence of marijuana is taken very seriously in Virginia. Anyone caught operating a vehicle while under the influence of marijuana can face harsh penalties, including fines, license suspension, and even jail time.

Cultivation Laws

Under the new law, adults over 21 are allowed to cultivate up to four plants per household for personal use. However, it is illegal to sell any marijuana that is grown at home.

Possession Laws

As mentioned earlier, adults over the age of 21 are allowed to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. Possession of more than this amount can result in fines or jail time.

  • Medical marijuana was first legalized in Virginia in 2015, allowing for the use of cannabis oil to treat certain medical conditions.
  • In 2020, a bill to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana was passed, reducing penalties from potential jail time to a $25 civil penalty.
  • In March 2022, recreational marijuana was legalized in Virginia through the passing of HB2312.

*The information provided in this communication is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice specific to your situation, please consult a licensed attorney.

Schedule Your Appointment with an Virginia Medical Marijuana Doctor

Call: (484) 346-5140