
Mounjaro Prescription for Weight Loss in Florida

Tirzepatide (brand name Mounjaro) is an FDA-approved type-2 diabetes medication and is used off label for weight loss. The drug stimulates insulin production and influences how the body responds to sugar, helping patients manage their metabolic condition.

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Suppress Appetite


Improve Health


weight loss


Suppress Appetite


Improve Health


Lose Weight


3 Simple Steps to Obtain Your
Mounjaro Prescription

Step one book weight loss Mounjaro consultation in Florida

Step 1

Book a Visit with a Doctor.

Your doctor will go over your medical history and health objectives during your initial visit.

Step 2

Discuss Treatment Options and Complete Your Medical Evaluation.

Meet with your doctor on your computer or smartphone. The physician will send an order to your preferred lab if lab work is necessary, which is the case for most patients. Once your results are available, your doctor will review them with you and detail your treatment options.

Step two video conference with weight loss doctor
Step three receive weight loss medication

Step 3

Pick Up Your Medication from the Pharmacy.

Mounjaro prescriptions are dispensed based on eligibility and safety. In addition to helping you set diet and exercise goals and tracking your weight loss progress, your doctors will administer and maintain your mounjaro prescription as long as you're eligible for one.

Prescription weight loss has generated a great deal of interest for obesity, a chronic condition that affects body mass and composition. Evolving scientific insights about metabolism and the factors that determine weight are changing how doctors understand and treat obesity.

Mounjaro is one of the newest medications being used for weight loss. It’s part of the GLP-1 Medication class of drugs, which includes others like Wegovy, Saxenda, and Ozempic (semaglutide). The drug impacts appetite and how the body uses food during digestion to help patients lower their body mass indexes (BMIs). Beyond changing how you feel and look, weight reduction and weight management can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of medical conditions like heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.

Weight You Lose on Mounjaro | Mounjaro Side Effects | Frequently Asked Question

What is Mounjaro and What is it Prescribed For?

Eli Lilly, the manufacturer, recently secured fast-track approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to study the medication as a weight loss treatment. They are currently conducting multiple clinical trials to study the effectiveness of treating obesity with tirzepatide. While nothing is certain, many observers expect approval sometime in late 2023 or early 2024.

Doctors currently prescribe Mounjaro off-label as an obesity treatment. This common practice allows providers to use medications with clear benefits and safety that have yet to obtain FDA approval.

What is Mounjaro

Patients self-administer the weekly injectable medication using a pre-dosed pen. Generally, doctors only prescribe weight loss medication to patients with BMIs over 30. Patients with lower BMIs may qualify if they experience an obesity-related health condition, like an elevated risk of heart disease.

How Mounjaro Works?

Mounjaro works by mimicking the effects of hormones, called incretins, that the body naturally produces as part of the digestive process. Once you reach a medicated dose, the drug dampens your appetite to reduce caloric intake. Mounjaro differs from other popular weight loss medications because it simulates the effects of two hormones.

The drug is a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist. This classification means it bonds to the areas on cells where these hormones normally attach. As a result, it induces the same effects. GIPs and GLP-1s play a role in insulin production and blood sugar regulation.

These substances treat obesity by slowing digestion. This action leaves the stomach fuller for longer, extending satiety. In addition, the drug also suppresses appetite by interacting with the hypothalamus, or the part of the brain that controls hunger.

While weight loss is complex, it fundamentally requires burning more calories than the body consumes. Mounjaro helps patients achieve the necessary caloric deficit because diminished appetite reduces portion size and meal frequency. When you consume fewer calories, your body must burn fat for the energy needed to function, causing weight loss.

How Much Weight Can You Lose on Mounjaro?

The amount and rate of weight loss depend on your starting weight and the dose of Mounjaro. Many patients rapidly drop weight once they reach their optimal dose. Burning additional calories through increased physical activity can enhance your rate of weight loss by increasing your caloric deficit.

A 2022 clinical trial of tirzepatide assessed weight loss over 72 weeks in patients with BMIs over 27. Researchers found that 57% of people who received 10 or 15 mg doses experienced a 20% or greater reduction in body weight.

How to Get a Mounjaro Prescription in Florida

Mounjaro is a regulated substance only available with a doctor's prescription. You can book a telehealth consultation with one of our qualified physicians to discuss your weight loss medication options. These providers are dedicated to treating obesity. They understand misconceptions surrounding certain treatments, as well as the challenges patients face.

Your doctor will conduct a comprehensive consultation to assess your health and suitability for weight loss medication. They must rule out potential contraindications, so it's essential to be complete and accurate about your medical history.

If approved, the doctor will order Mounjaro and send the prescription to your pharmacy of choice. You can then begin your weight loss journey. Licensed doctors are the only individuals qualified to prescribe weight loss medications and oversee medical weight loss programs.

Our experienced providers will offer advice and encouragement while monitoring your progress to ensure weight loss occurs at a healthy rate. Your doctor can suggest dietary modifications and exercise plans that will enhance the benefits of the medication and improve overall health.

Mounjaro Side Effects

Every treatment carries the risk of side effects. Your unique biochemistry and the dose of Mounjaro you take will influence their development. Some patients experience no side effects, while some develop multiple ones and transition to alternative weight loss medications.

The most common side effects are gastrointestinal because the medication affects the digestive tract. Possible side effects of Mounjaro include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Appetite loss
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Indigestion
  • Nausea
  • Reactions at the injection site
  • Vomiting

These are often mild and subside over time. However, you should notify your doctor about them anyway so they can monitor your ongoing response to the medication.

Serious complications are less common but possible. It's critical to contact your doctor and seek care if you experience any of the following:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar
  • Pancreatitis
  • Severe and persistent diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
  • Sudden gallbladder inflammation or disease

These effects are more likely in those with pre-existing health conditions, making it critical to discuss your complete health history with the prescribing doctor.

Frequently Asked Question

The pace of your weight loss will depend on the calorie deficit you experience while taking the medication. Combining the treatment with a balanced diet and exercise can increase this margin, thereby fueling more weight loss.

Following up with your doctor to ensure you lose weight at a healthy pace is critical to your health and success. They may need to adjust your dose if you shed weight too slowly or quickly.

Not yet. Mounjaro is FDA-approved as a type-2 diabetes treatment. Doctors currently prescribe it off-label for weight loss. The FDA fast-tracked the medication for approval because of its strong promise as an obesity treatment. This step sped up the review process, allowing high-quality clinical trials to assess the treatment's effectiveness.

The best way to determine if Mounjaro is right for you is by consulting a qualified weight loss doctor. Mounjaro is contraindicated for patients with a personal or family history of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) and multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN2) due to an elevated thyroid cancer risk.

Insurance providers currently only cover Mounjaro as a type-2 diabetes treatment. The manufacturer list price for Mounjaro is $1,023.04 per fill. Once the medication is FDA-approved as an obesity treatment, your insurance plan may cover it. Until then, you likely won’t receive insurance coverage for it.

Ozempic is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that doctors prescribe off-label for weight loss. Mounjaro is a GIP and GLP-1 agonist that most observers expect to become FDA-approved for weight loss. Further studies are needed to compare the effectiveness of the medications, but Mounjaro simulates the effects of more hormones than Ozempic and may lead to greater weight loss.

Mounjaro is a weekly self-injectable that comes in a pen-like device. Your doctor will instruct you on properly self-administering the medication. You can make the injection in your thigh, abdomen, or upper arm. Rotating the site each week will minimize the risk of skin irritation or other adverse reaction to the shot.

The results of studies on the long-term effects of Mounjaro are still pending because the medication is new. Mounjaro interacts with receptors to mimic digestive hormones. It’s possible your appetite will return and your digestion will speed back up once you stop the medication. Modifying your diet and following an exercise plan can help you keep weight off.

Your doctor will determine your optimal dose based on your starting weight and treatment goals. Patients usually begin on a lower dose and progress to higher doses as long as they have a positive response to the medication. Communication with your doctor is essential to ensuring your safety and success with this medication.