
New Mexico Medical Marijuana Card Qualifying Conditions

Medical marijuana effectively manages the symptoms of many chronic health conditions. Patients in New Mexico turn to cannabis because it helps them regain lost function and re-engage in their daily routines.

You can obtain a New Mexico medical marijuana card if you have a qualifying condition, receive a recommendation from a doctor, and complete a brief application. A card allows qualifying patients and their primary caregivers to possess up to 15 ounces of cannabis from licensed dispensaries, and it also exempts you both from the state's marijuana excise tax.

The New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program (MCP), which was instituted by the New Mexico Department of Health, currently recognizes 28 medical conditions that can qualify a patient for medical marijuana. The following are some of the conditions most often treated with cannabis products by medical marijuana patients in the state of New Mexico.

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1: Alzheimer’s Disease

The cognitive changes associated with Alzheimer's disease lead to agitation, aggression, and atypical behavior. The calming effects of THC and CBD, the cannabinoids present in marijuana, help soothe Alzheimer's patients, allowing them to regulate emotions.

Research is ongoing, but studies also indicate THC and CBD may have a neuroprotective effect, helping to protect brain cells from the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

2: Cancer

Cancer causes physical pain, anxiety, and anorexia. Chemotherapy and other conventional treatments often lead to nausea and discomfort. Individuals with cancer must also deal with depression and anxiety linked to stress from their diagnosis.

Medical marijuana is an effective appetite stimulant that also eases nausea. It can help patients improve their caloric intake, fortifying their bodies through recovery. In addition, the calming effect can help patients cope with their thoughts and feelings.

3: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

ALS is a neurodegenerative disorder that limits muscle function, causing spasticity and uncontrolled spasms. Anecdotal evidence suggests medical marijuana helps patients with ALS sleep better and improves appetite. Cannabis also eases muscle contractures that cause pain and discomfort for patients.

Further study is necessary, but researchers are currently investigating the link between THC's antioxidant effect and slower ALS progression.

4: Epilepsy

Medical cannabis has been shown to reduce seizure occurrence and frequency. Scientists are investigating, but one hypothesis is that the cannabinoids in medical marijuana disrupt the signaling system in the brain that triggers seizures.

Anecdotal evidence suggests strains of cannabis with higher CBD content are the best for managing seizures. CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid contained in marijuana.

5: Crohn’s Disease

Crohn's disease causes extensive gastric distress, pain, and appetite changes. Cannabis can help ease abdominal pain associated with flare-ups and chronic discomfort. Marijuana also improves appetite, manages nausea, and reduces diarrhea.

In an observational study of patients who smoked medical cannabis, 21 of the 30 participants reported significant symptom improvement and reduced use of other medications. The anti-inflammatory effect of cannabis may help reduce Crohn's flare-ups.

Full List of New Mexico Medical Marijuana Card Qualifying Conditions

West Virginia accepts the following qualifying medical conditions.

  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder
  • Friedreich's Ataxia
  • Glaucoma
  • Hepatitis C Infection currently receiving antiviral therapy
  • Hospice care
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Inclusion body myositis
  • Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis
  • Intractable nausea/vomiting
  • Lewy body disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Opioid use disorder
  • Painful peripheral neuropathy
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Severe anorexia/cachexia
  • Severe chronic pain
  • Spasmodic torticollis
  • Spinal cord injury with associated intractable spasticity
  • Spinal muscular atrophy
  • Ulcerative colitis

Don’t Have A Qualifying Condition on This List

New Mexico will only accept one of the above conditions for its MMJ card application. If you're unsure about your diagnosis, the Sanctuary can help. Our caring team can review the patient application requirements and refer you to a qualified medical marijuana doctor to assess your condition and its eligibility for adult-use marijuana treatment. If you’re eligible, we can help you get accepted into New Mexico’s medical marijuana program and receive your medical cannabis card in no time.

The state also has a petitioning process through which patients and advocacy groups can request to add new diagnoses to the list of qualifying medical conditions. We can also help you navigate that process if you wish to execute it.