
Nevada Medical Marijuana Card Qualifying Conditions

Nevada recognizes cannabis as a viable mode of symptom management for many medical conditions that persist despite conventional interventions. Medical cannabis enables many patients to re-engage in familial, social, and work-related activities because it significantly improves their quality of life.

The state of Nevada issues MMJ cards to residents of Nevada with qualifying medical conditions. Applicants get recommended for cannabis treatment by licensed Nevada medical marijuana doctors who confirm their eligibility for cannabis and offer guidance regarding adult-use marijuana. Your doctor will review your medical records and answer any questions about medical cannabis you may have.

If you or a loved one experiences limiting symptoms from a medical condition, consulting a licensed physician authorized to recommend medical cannabis could be life-changing. This article covers several common diagnoses patients receive cannabis recommendations for and how medical cannabis products can manage their symptoms.

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1: Autism

The diagnosis of autism is rising as doctors better understand the condition and the diagnostic criteria evolves. Due to the rising incidence, medical marijuana has emerged as a potential symptom manager. Autism is characterized by altered social interaction, communication, and behavior patterns. Symptoms fall on a spectrum and include difficulty with impulse control, aggression, and anxiety.

Preliminary studies indicate that the calming effects of cannabidiol (CBD), one of the active compounds in medical marijuana, may ease aggression and stress, helping patients. In one study, 80% of adults with autism who used medical marijuana reported moderate or significant symptom improvement after six months.


2: Cancer

Managing cancer symptoms and the side effects of treatments was one of the first widely accepted uses of medical marijuana. Patients with cancer often experience pain, anxiety, and depression due to their condition. Chemotherapy and radiation treatments often suppress appetite, cause neuropathy, and induce nausea. These side effects compromise the overall well-being and quality of life of patients.

Medical marijuana helps control neuropathy and nerve pain. The stimulating effects of cannabis can improve appetite while its soothing abilities ease nausea. This effect can improve nutrition to help patients combat their illnesses. Additionally, the uplifting effects of cannabis can help with depression and anxiety symptoms experienced during recovery.

3: Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can prevent patients from enjoying their lives and working. The condition can also have cascading effects, impacting mood and relationships as people withdraw due to the limiting effects of pain. Cannabis is an effective pain manager that lacks many risks and side effects of conventional medication.

Medical marijuana engages the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which runs parallel to the nervous system. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and CBD, the active compounds in marijuana, block pain signals as they bond to receptors along the ECS, helping patients with persistent and severe pain tolerate increased activity.

4: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) features a chronically heightened state of arousal that taxes the mind and body. Constant engagement of the elevated stress response can lead to anxiety and depression.

The relaxing effects of cannabis can help reduce the symptoms of PTSD. Lowering anxiety and stress can help individuals re-engage with the world and cope with external stimuli. The sedative effects of marijuana can also improve sleep quality and ease insomnia, enhancing quality of life and health.

5: Addiction to Opioids

Doctors prescribe opioids to manage chronic and severe pain. Beyond their physical side effects, these prescription medications carry a high dependence risk. Researchers view cannabis as a viable alternative to opioids. While an effective mode of pain management, medical marijuana has a lower risk of abuse and fewer detrimental side effects than opioids.

Cannabis is not yet recognized as a treatment for addiction. However, preliminary studies show it may help manage the physical effects of opioid withdrawal, which is a necessary step to addiction recovery.

Full List of Nevada Medical Marijuana Card Qualifying Conditions

The following conditions qualify patients for medical marijuana cards in Nevada:

  • Anorexia nervosa
  • Anxiety
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Cachexia or wasting syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Muscle spasms, including but not limited to those caused by multiple sclerosis
  • Neuropathic conditions with or without seizures
  • Opioid dependence or addiction
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Seizures, including but not limited to those caused by epilepsy
  • Severe nausea
  • Severe or chronic pain

Don’t Have A Qualifying Condition on This List

If you experience debilitating symptoms but do not have a listed qualifying condition, it is best to consult an experienced medical marijuana doctor. Many of the approved conditions include multiple diagnoses. A marijuana doctor will assess your eligibility and issue a recommendation for the medical use of marijuana if appropriate.

Your application to the Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health will require proof of Nevada residency, such as in the form of a driver’s license. Note that if you’re under 18 years of age (a minor), you’ll have to indicate a designated primary caregiver who’s at least 21 on your application to become a medical marijuana patient.

The Sanctuary can answer your questions about medical cannabis card qualifications and connect you with a compassionate healthcare provider. Your doctor can explain how cannabis can help, and we can advise you about the application process to join the Nevada medical marijuana program so you can quickly become a medical marijuana cardholder, start visiting state-licensed dispensaries, and use medical cannabis.

Recreational cannabis is legal in Nevada, but under the state’s medical marijuana laws those who are enrolled in the Nevada medical marijuana registry have access to more dispensaries and more Nevada medical cannabis products. Nevada state dispensaries carry concentrates, edibles, topicals, vape products, marijuana flowers, and more. Medical products aren’t subject to the 10% sales tax/excise tax levied on recreational products. and people with MMJ ID cards can still purchase weed for recreational use.