
4 Tips for Applying for a Medical Marijuana Card in Missouri

Eligible Missourians and their primary caregivers have been able to obtain medical marijuana cards, which allow them to legally purchase cannabis and THC-infused products, since October 2020. The state oversees the cultivation, manufacture, and retail components of its medical marijuana program to guarantee patients safe access to medical-grade cannabis.

You can complete every step of the card application process electronically, saving you time and travel. Compiling the necessary documentation before your medical marijuana consultation will expedite the entire process, helping you begin treatment as quickly as possible.

Even if you do qualify for a card, your application must be complete and accurate. Missouri rejects submissions that are missing supplemental materials or have misleading information. Errors could prolong the approval time or disqualify you from obtaining a card.

Schedule Your Appointment with A Missouri Medical Marijuana Doctor

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Ensure You Have a Qualifying Medical Condition

Missouri has a broader view of cannabis' medicinal value than many other states. While medical conditions like cancer, terminal illness, wasting syndrome, cachexia, glaucoma, autism, Alzheimer’s disease, sickle cell anemia, inflammatory bowel disease, Hepatitis C, intractable migraines, Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Huntington’s disease, tourette’s syndrome, HIV, AIDS, and PTSD can qualify patients for medical cannabis treatment, the state defers to doctors' expertise.

According to the Missouri Department of Health , any medical condition or disorder that causes chronic pain or muscle spasms or whose prescription medication carries an addiction risk qualifies a patient for a medical marijuana identification card.

If you experience a persistent disease, illness, or psychiatric disorder that affects your daily life and prevents you from normal activity, you’ll likely qualify for an MMJ card. Consulting a Missouri-licensed physician is the best way to obtain this life-enhancing treatment.

Meet with a Reliable Medical Marijuana Doctor

Any Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) who is licensed to practice in Missouri can issue a patient certification to treat with cannabis. Doctors are not mandated to recommend patients for cannabis because the treatment is not FDA-approved due to the ongoing federal ban on cannabis.

You can secure the best treatment outcome by consulting with an experienced medical marijuana doctor. They will conduct a brief yet thorough consultation to assess your qualifying condition, determine the likelihood of a successful response to cannabis, and explain the benefits, risks, and side effects of treatment.

Once they determine you qualify, they will issue an electronic certification that you will use as part of your application to the state. The certificate is only valid for 30 days from the physician's signature date, so be sure to apply as soon as possible.

Get Approved By the State

Once you get your physician certification form, you can set up an online account through the DHSS website. You must link the certificate to your account using your social security number, complete the demographic info, upload proof of residency documents such as a state ID card or driver’s license, and attach a current photo. The state may also request additional medical records.

The $27.76 application fee must be paid to the Missouri Medical Marijuana Program through your online account. Applications are processed in the order they are received in the state of Missouri. For qualifying patients, approval can take up to 30 days. If your application is rejected as incomplete, you have 10 days from the date of notice to submit an amended application.

Start Visiting Missouri Dispensaries

The state does not mail out cards. A digital copy will appear in the dashboard of your online account. You can download a copy to your mobile device and print a copy to carry with you.

As of August 2022, there are over 190 licensed dispensaries throughout Missouri. The DHSS website has a complete listing of locations.

Most dispensaries have websites with their inventory of flowers, vape cartridges, edibles, beverages, capsules, topical applications, and tinctures. Dispensary workers can counsel you on the best strain of cannabis and consumption method based on your symptoms and history with marijuana.

Contact the Sanctuary for Your Missouri Medical Marijuana Card Needs

The Sanctuary can help you navigate the nuances of the Missouri medical marijuana card process, offer guidance on eligible qualifying conditions, and clarify the application requirements.

Our staff understands each phase of the application process and the questions facing new medical marijuana patients. We will connect you with a passionate medical provider qualified to answer questions about how cannabis can help you, assess you for possible contraindications, and establish realistic expectations for your treatment.

After you obtain your certificate, the Sanctuary can advise you about compiling the required supplemental documents and provide tips for submitting a complete and accurate application.