Does Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer?
- John DiBella
- Published: March 5, 2022
- Updated: August 31, 2024
- Fact-checked by Dr. Desiree Granados

Marijuana, also known as cannabis, has been a topic of controversy when it comes to its potential health benefits and risks. One of the concerns that have been raised is whether marijuana use can lead to lung cancer. In this article, we will explore the current research and evidence on the relationship between marijuana use and lung cancer.
Can You Get Lung Cancer From Smoking Marijuana?
The short answer is: it’s complicated. While there are studies that suggest a link between marijuana use and lung cancer, the evidence is not definitive. And in many cases, the relationship between smoking marijuana and developing lung cancer may be confounded by other factors such as tobacco use. Let’s take a closer look at the current research.
Studies on Marijuana and Lung Cancer
Several studies have been conducted to investigate the potential link between marijuana use and lung cancer. Some of these studies have found an association between heavy marijuana smoking and an increased risk of lung cancer, while others have not found a significant link.
According to an article posted in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, an epidemiologic review was performed using pooled data from six different studies related to cannabis use and lung cancer. This review concluded that these studies did not support an association of marijuana use and lung cancer.
It’s important to note that many of these studies have limitations and confounding factors. For example, some studies do not differentiate between marijuana-only smokers and those who also smoke tobacco. This is significant because tobacco smoke contains over 70 known carcinogens, while marijuana smoke contains fewer carcinogens and may even have anti-cancer properties.
How Does Smoking Cause Cancer?
Smoking, whether it is marijuana or tobacco, involves inhaling smoke into the lungs. This smoke contains hundreds of chemicals, including carcinogens (substances that can cause cancer). When these substances are inhaled, they can damage the cells and tissues in the lungs, leading to mutations and changes that can eventually develop into cancer.
Tobacco smoking is a well-known risk factor for lung cancer. It has been estimated that about 80-90% of lung cancers are caused by tobacco use. However, marijuana smoke contains similar carcinogens as tobacco smoke but in different concentrations. This raises the question of whether marijuana smoking can also increase the risk of developing lung cancer.

Can Vaping Marijuana Cause Lung Cancer?
Vaping, or inhaling vaporized marijuana, has become a popular method of consumption in recent years. Some people believe that vaping is safer than smoking because it does not involve combustion and the production of smoke. However, research on the potential health effects of vaping is still limited.
Research has analyzed data from thousands of individuals and found no link between vaporizing marijuana and lung cancer. In fact, there are indications that low to moderate use of vaporized marijuana might even offer a protective effect against lung cancer.
Do Edibles Cause Cancer?
Edibles, or marijuana-infused food products, are another popular method of consuming marijuana. Unlike smoking and vaping, edibles do not involve inhaling smoke or vapor into the lungs. This raises the question of whether edibles can cause lung cancer.
There is currently no research specifically examining the potential link between edibles and lung cancer. However, it should be noted that edibles may contain high levels of sugar and fat, which have been linked to an increased risk of certain types of cancer. Therefore, it is important to consume edibles in moderation and choose healthier options when possible.
What Is the Safest Method of Consuming Cannabis?
While the research on marijuana and lung cancer is still ongoing, it is clear that smoking is not the safest method of consumption. Inhaling smoke into the lungs can lead to various respiratory issues, including lung irritation, bronchitis, and chronic coughing.
Vaping and edibles may be considered safer alternatives to smoking, but more research is needed to fully understand their potential health effects. In general, it is recommended to use marijuana in moderation and choose healthier methods of consumption such as tinctures or topicals (products applied to the skin).
The current evidence suggests that there may be a link between heavy marijuana smoking and an increased risk of lung cancer. However, this relationship is not definitive, and many other factors can contribute to the development of lung cancer. More research is needed to fully understand the potential health effects of marijuana use, including different methods of consumption. In the meantime, it is important to consume marijuana in moderation and choose healthier alternatives when possible.
States Where We Offer Medical Marijuana Card Services
How we reviewed this article:
- James Jett, Emily Stone, Graham Warren, and K Michael Cummings (2018). Cannabis Use, Lung Cancer, and Related Issues - CDC (2023). Smoking and Cancer
Current Version
August 31, 2024
Written By
John DiBella
Fact-checked By
Dr. Desiree Granados
Editorial Process
Our Editorial Process
First Published
March 5, 2022
Written By
Jake Peter
Fact-checked By
Dr. Desiree Granados
Editorial Process
Our Editorial Process

John DiBella is the co-founder and CEO at The Sanctuary Wellness Institute. His goal is to foster healthier lifestyles to improve individuals’ quality of life and health span through online medical and non-medical services. When he’s not writing blogs about medical marijuana, he enjoys hiking, camping, surfing and sailing.